Hello Jim,
Am 16.12.2019 um 22:11 schrieb midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
I'm upgrading my perfectly functional iPad today because Apple has decided my Apps will not run on that iPad any longer. Security is a large part of that issue.
I fully agree.
P8 runs V7R2, V7R3 and V7R4 so unless you're stuck with a now unsupported P7 (which also runs V7R3) you can upgrade.
To me personally, it doesn't matter if the HW cannot cope with newer software or the manufacturer decided deliberately to obsolete a perfectly working product. (I'm on a 8303-E4A. Besides others, much older.)
I can live perfectly with obsoleted products in certain areas, hard- as software. My scope isn't commercial. I'm a hobbyist, as you maybe already know. I know about apparent security risks and can take appropriate measures.
My point is that:
Why spend a single cent on enhancing V7R2. It goes away soon.
Soon is not "yet". For those in a similar situation as I am, I think it's comprehensible to take as much as possible as long as it's not officially gone away. I fully agree that this is a very personal view of things, but I know from experience that I'm not alone being a fan of the AS/400 and newer incarnations as a platform in terms of engineering appreciation. Thus my objection.
Backward compatibility is great, right until you cannot move forward due to the baggage that's continually being carried. One of the reasons this platform has a reputation of being old/legacy is folks don't keep up.
My impression from my very limited knowledge about actual machines running at a customer's site is that they're often a) very mission critical, b) accessible internal only (because there is no data which would be relevant for customers to access from outside) and c) Never touch a running system. Please consider the fact that my view is onto German small and medium-sized Businesses.
That said, allow me to point back to the AS/400 vs. IBM i discussion a few weeks ago. I still stand true to my arguments there. In particular that by talking to a bunch of techs, my impression is not about the actual age of whatever runs there but the perceived age of "Oh, AS/400, we've seen that 30 years ago", joint with a certain kind of complete ignorance about anything not windows. At least in Germany, I think it's sheerly impossible to change that reputation at large without massive support from IBM.
But as we all know for sure, IBM doesn't do ads for i anymore and relies on it's business partners to do the hard work of convincing a customer that IBM i is maybe a better choice for him in a certain situation.
I must think back to the mentioned discussion about someone saying that IBM i keeps running as there are people who keep them running. The last one may turn off the light. This makes me very sad every time I remember about that one.
:wq! PoC
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