Are you trying to use an RDX cartridge or something else over USB ?
Richard Schoen
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
message: 2
date: Tue, 01 Mar 2022 12:29:33 -0500
from: mlazarus <mlazarus@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Backup to USB
Does anyone backup their i to USB? What has your experience been?
For a while I was backing up to USB and it was working fine, maybe it took 2 - 3 hours. A couple of months ago the USB backup seemed to go to sleep for a 3-5 hours in the middle of the backup, then again further down. It started before I had put on the latest cume and group PTF's.
The situation did not improve after I put the PTF's on.
As a comparative test, a functionally identical backup is being done to tape first and it completes within a reasonable amount of time (about
2 hours.) Now, after running 9+ hours I need to cancel it to let
production run, so I don't know if it's just hanging or it's doing something. A guesstimate of the amount being saved is 150 GB.
IBM is looking into it, but I was wondering what others have experienced.
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