Hello Rob,

why would you do this by hand? Usually, proper MTAs can do that kind of probing automatically. I definitely know that postfix on Linux does this.

If you insist on doing this on IBM i, I assert that it might be easier to come up with a TCP socket application instead of finding reliable ways to "steer" telnet. Scott Klement has done some impressive proof of concepts in RPG. I think it's easier to code socket stuff in C, but this is just me. :-)

Am 06.09.2024 um 13:16 schrieb Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx>:

Summary: verifying email addresses.


One can do the following from a Windows PC:
set type=mx
-- The above finds a MX record.

md \tmp

set logfile \tmp\telnet.log
OPEN internotes.dekko.com 25

EHLO dekko.com
MAIL FROM:<redacted@xxxxxxxxx>
RCPT TO:<ADSFD@xxxxxxxxx> NOTIFY=success,failure
550 ADSFD@xxxxxxxxx... No such user

:wq! PoC

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