Hello Mark,

thanks for your explanations.

Am 19.09.2024 um 06:14 schrieb mlazarus <mlazarus@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

1) *LIBL searches for all called upon objects. Path only accesses executables.

You're correct. I'm so very used to PATH on Linux that I did not think about ordinary files. Most of the time I try to keep things together in one directory on Linux using hard links if files are to be "shared". I apply likewise thinking to IBM i, but use an actual *LIBL tweak to have a central customer master file available to multiple applications, each within their own library.

2) Additionally, AFAIK, there are no built in tools to manipulate the path on Windows. You can basically set or replace it.

I'm not a Windows guy, so I can only speak for UNIX compatible systems. There, it's a simple environment variable you can manipulate with the available tools. Not having a proper "front end" for comfy manipulation isn't necessarily the fault of the underlying PATH concept, though. :-)

3) I suppose I should have said "the proper approach" instead of "alternative."


:wq! PoC

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