Not to fan the flame of Microsoft haters, but you could probably write a .Net web service to accomplish this in a few hours and could consume it from anything on IBMi.
If you’re going for Linux on x86, why not just use Windows, because it runs everything except RPG 😊
.Net also runs on Linux now as well with Core 2.0.
FWIW - It will be a cold day before you see IBM port .Net to IBMi.
Tim Rowe can’t even speak the name Microsoft or .Net in his presentations 😊
Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management
e. richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
p. 952.486.6802
* Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] C# decryption port to Power i
* From: Kevin <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
* Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 08:24:42 +0000
* mailto:opensource-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx?subject=help
* mailto:opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxx
If you want a separate Linux machine then there are surely cheaper options than using up IBMi resources creating a Linux LPAR?
On 15 Nov 2017, at 01:03, Jack Woehr <jwoehr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a full Gnu dev env on IBM i.
I just think it makes more sense to use a Linux LPAR as your web-facing
application fetching data from IBM i.
Because it's worlds easier to develop, test, and deploy this stuff on Linux.
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