here is a utility I wrote using the demon API....maybe you can use it for a

     h option(*nodebugio)
     ?*                                                               *EUR
     ^*______    ______    ____   __    __      ___      |            *
     ^*|     |   |     |    |     | \  / |     /   \     |            *
     ^*|_____|   |_____|    |     |  \/  |    /-----\    |            *
     ^*|         |   \      |     |      |   /       \   |            *
     ^*|         |    \    _|__   |      |  /         \  |_____       *
     ?* ______          ______ ________ ______  __    __  ______      *EUR
     ?*|        \   /  |         |     |       | \  / |  |            *EUR
     ?*|____     \ /   |____     |     |___    |  \/  |  |____        *EUR
     ?*     |     /         |    |     |       |      |       |       *EUR
     ?*_____|    /     _____|    |     |______ |      |  _____|       *EUR
     '* Program Name: LISTPF          Program Author:  Tommy Holden   *
     '* Program Date: 08/09/2004      Program Purpose:                *

     '* Report Output
     FQSysPrt   o    f  132        Printer OflInd(*InOF)

     '* Create User Space API Procedure
     DCrtUsrSpc        pr                  ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS')
     DCUSQualUSName                  20a   CONST
     DCUSExtAttribut                 10a   CONST
     DCUSInitSize                    10I 0 CONST
     DCUSInitValue                    1a   CONST
     DCUSPublicAuth                  10a   CONST
     DCUSDescription                 50a   CONST
     DCUSReplace                     10a   CONST
     DErrorCode                   32766A   options(*varsize)

     '* List Record Formats API Procedure
     DListRcdFmts      pr                  ExtPgm('QUSLRCD')
     d  CUSQualUSName                20a   Const
     d  CUSRcdFmt                     8a   Const
     d  CUSPFName                    20a   Const
     d  OverrideProc                  1a   Const
     d  ErrorCode                 32766a   options(*varsize)

     '* List Fields API Procedure
     DListFields       pr                  ExtPgm('QUSLFLD')
     d  CUSFldUSName                 20a   Const
     d  CUSRcdFmt                     8a   Const
     d  CUSPFName                    20a   Const
     D  PFRcdFmt                     10a   Const
     d  OverrideProc                  1a   Const
     d  ErrorCode                 32766a   options(*varsize)

     '* List Key Fields (QDBRTVFD retrieve file desc)API Procedure
     DListFileDesc     pr                  ExtPgm('QDBRTVFD')
     d  OutputData                32766a   Options(*Varsize)
     d  OutputDataLen                10i 0 Const
     d  CUSPFNameRet                 20a
     D  PFRcdFmt                      8a   Const
     d  CUSPFName                    20a   Const
     D  RcdFmt                        8a   Const
     d  OverrideProc                  1a   Const
     d  System                       10a   Const
     d  FormatType                   10a   Const
     d  ErrorCode                 32766a   options(*varsize)

     '* List Members API Procedure
     DListMembers      pr                  ExtPgm('QUSLMBR')
     d  CUSMbrUSName                 20a   Const
     d  CUSRcdFmt                     8a   Const
     d  CUSPFName                    20a   Const
     D  Members                      10a   Const
     d  OverrideProc                  1a   Const
     d  ErrorCode                 32766a   options(*varsize)

     '* List Database Relations API Procedure
     DListDBR          pr                  ExtPgm('QDBLDBR')
     d  CUSDBRUSName                 20a   Const
     d  CUSRcdFmt                     8a   Const
     d  CUSPFName                    20a   Const
     D  Members                      10a   Const
     d  RcdFmt                       10a   Const
     d  ErrorCode                 32766a   options(*varsize)

     '* List Members Info (QUSRMBRD retrieve member desc)API Procedure
     DListMemberInfo   pr                  ExtPgm('QUSRMBRD')
     d  OutputData                32766a   Options(*Varsize)
     d  OutputDataLen                10i 0 Const
     D  PFRcdFmt                      8a   Const
     d  CUSPFName                    20a   Const
     d  Member                       10a   Const
     d  OverrideProc                  1a   Const
     d  ErrorCode                 32766a   options(*varsize)

     '* ReSend Message API Procedure
     D SendMsg         PR                  ExtPgm('QMHRSNEM')
     D   MsgKey                       4A   const
     D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
     D   ToStkEntry               32766A   options(*varsize: *nopass)
     d   ToStkEntryLn                10I 0 const options(*nopass)
     D   Format                       8A   const options(*nopass)
     D   FromEntry                     *   const options(*nopass)
     D   FromCounter                 10I 0 const options(*nopass)

     '* Get User Space Pointer API Procedure
     D UserSpacePntr   PR                  ExtPgm('QUSPTRUS')
     D CUSQualUSName                 20A   CONST
     D  CUSPointer                     *

     '* Error Code DS For API Calls
     D ErrorDS         DS
     D   dsEC1                       10I 0 inz(0)
     D   dsEC2                       10I 0 inz(0)

     '* Program Stack DS For API Calls
     D StackDS         ds
     d   dsRS_StkCnt                 10I 0 inz(2)
     D   dsRS_StkQual                20A   inz('*NONE     *NONE')
     D   dsRS_IDLen                  10I 0 inz(7)
     D   dsRS_StkID                   7A   inz('*')

     '* User Space Header DS
     D USHeader        ds                  Based(CUSPointer)
     d HdrUserArea                   64a
     d HdrHdrSize                    10i 0
     d HdrStrLvl                      4a
     d HdrFormat                      8a
     d HdrAPIUsed                    10a
     d HdrCrtDate                    13a
     d HdrInfoSts                     1a
     d HdrSizeOfUS                   10i 0
     d HdrOffsetToInp                10i 0
     d HdrSizeOfInp                  10i 0
     d HdrOffsetToHdr                10i 0
     d HdrSizeOfHdr                  10i 0
     d HdrOffsetToDtl                10i 0
     d HdrSizeOfDtl                  10i 0
     d HdrNumberOfDtl                10i 0
     d HdrEntrySize                  10i 0
     d HdrCCSID                      10i 0
     d HdrCountry                     2a
     d HdrLangID                      3a
     d HdrSubsetInd                   1a
     d HdrReserved1                  42a
     DSaveHdrDS        ds
     d SavUserArea                   64a
     d SavHdrSize                    10i 0
     d SavStrLvl                      4a
     d SavFormat                      8a
     d SavAPIUsed                    10a
     d SavCrtDate                    13a
     d SavInfoSts                     1a
     d SavSizeOfUS                   10i 0
     d SavOffsetToInp                10i 0
     d SavSizeOfInp                  10i 0
     d SavOffsetToHdr                10i 0
     d SavSizeOfHdr                  10i 0
     d SavOffsetToDtl                10i 0
     d SavSizeOfDtl                  10i 0
     d SavNumberOfDtl                10i 0
     d SavEntrySize                  10i 0
     d SavCCSID                      10i 0
     d SavCountry                     2a
     d SavLangID                      3a
     d SavSubsetInd                   1a
     d SavReserved1                  42a
     DSav2HdrDS        ds
     d Sv2UserArea                   64a
     d Sv2HdrSize                    10i 0
     d Sv2StrLvl                      4a
     d Sv2Format                      8a
     d Sv2APIUsed                    10a
     d Sv2CrtDate                    13a
     d Sv2InfoSts                     1a
     d Sv2SizeOfUS                   10i 0
     d Sv2OffsetToInp                10i 0
     d Sv2SizeOfInp                  10i 0
     d Sv2OffsetToHdr                10i 0
     d Sv2SizeOfHdr                  10i 0
     d Sv2OffsetToDtl                10i 0
     d Sv2SizeOfDtl                  10i 0
     d Sv2NumberOfDtl                10i 0
     d Sv2EntrySize                  10i 0
     d Sv2CCSID                      10i 0
     d Sv2Country                     2a
     d Sv2LangID                      3a
     d Sv2SubsetInd                   1a
     d Sv2Reserved1                  42a

     '* List Record Format Header DS
     D  RcdFmtHdrPtr   s               *
     DRcdFmtHdrDS      ds                  Based(RcdFmtHdrPtr)
     D  RcdPFName                    10a
     D  RcdPFLib                     10a
     D  RcdPFType                    10a
     D  RcdPFText                    50a
     D  RcdPFCCSID                   10i 0
     D  RcdPFCrtDate                 13a

     '* List Record Formats DS
     D RcdFmtPtr       s               *
     DRcdFmtDS         ds                  Based(RcdFmtPtr)
     D  RcdFmtName                   10a
     D  RcdLvlChkID                  13a
     D  RcdReserved                   1a
     D  RcdLength                    10i 0
     D  RcdNumFlds                   10i 0
     D  RcdFmtDesc                   50a
     D  RcdReserved1                  2a
     D  RcdCCSID                     10i 0

     '* List Fields DS
     D FldPtr          s               *
     DLstFldDS         ds                  Based(FldPtr)
     D  FldName                      10a
     D  FldDataType                   1a
     D  FldUsage                      1a
     D  FldOutBuffPos                10i 0
     D  FldInBuffPos                 10i 0
     D  FldLength                    10i 0
     D  FldDigits                    10i 0
     D  FldDecimals                  10i 0
     D  FldDesc                      50a
     D  FldEditC                      2a
     D  FldEditWLen                  10i 0
     D  FldEditWord                  64a
     D  FldColHdg1                   20a
     D  FldColHdg2                   20a
     D  FldColHdg3                   20a
     D  FldIntName                   10a
     D  FldAltName                   30a
     D  FldAltLen                    10i 0
     D  FldDBCS#                     10i 0
     D  FldAllowNull                  1a
     D  FldHostVar                    1a
     D  FldDateFormat                 4a
     D  FldDateSep                    1a
     D  FldVarSize                    1a
     D  FldDescCCSID                 10i 0
     D  FldDataCCSID                 10i 0
     D  FldColHCCSID                 10i 0
     D  FldEdtWCCSID                 10i 0
     D  FldUSC2Len                   10i 0
     D  FldDataEncode                10i 0
     D  FldMaxObjLen                 10i 0
     D  FldPadLen                    10i 0
     D  FldUDTLen                    10i 0
     D  FldUDTName                  132a
     D  FldUDTLib                    10a
     D  FldDLCntl                     1a
     D  FldDLInteg                    1a

     '* List File Description Header DS
     D  FDHDS          ds
     D  FDHBytesRet                  10i 0
     D  FDHBytesAvail                10i 0
     D  FDHMaxKeyLen                  5i 0
     D  FDHKeyCount                   5i 0
     D  FDHReserved                  10a
     D  FDHFormatCnt                  5i 0
     D  KeyRecFmt                    10a
     D  KeyReserve                    2a
     D  Key#OfKeys                    5i 0
     D  KeyReserv1                   14a
     D  KeyInfoOffset                10i 0

     '* List Key Information DS
     D KeyDS           ds
     D  KeyIntName                   10a
     D  KeyExtName                   10a
     D  KeyDtaType                    5i 0
     D  KeyFldLen                     5i 0
     D  Key#OfDigits                  5i 0
     D  KeyDecPos                     5i 0
     D  KeyAttrFlg                    1a
     D  KeyAltLen                     5i 0
     D  KeyAltName                   30a
     D  KeyReserv3                    1a
     D  KeyAttrFlg1                   1a
     D  KeyReserv4                    1a

     '* List Members Header DS
     D  MbrHdrPtr      s               *
     D MbrHdrDS        ds                  Based(MbrHdrPtr)
     D  MbrQualPF                    20a
     D  MbrPFAttr                    10a
     D  MbrPFText                    50a
     D  #OfMembers                   10i 0
     D  MbrSrcFile1                   1a
     D  MbrRsv                        3a
     D  MbrPFCCSID                   10i 0

     '* Member Information DS
     D MemberDS        ds
     D MbrBytesRet                   10i 0
     D MbrBytesAvail                 10i 0
     D MbrPFName                     10a
     D MbrPFLib                      10a
     D MbrName                       10a
     D MbrFileAttr                   10a
     D MbrSrcType                    10a
     D MbrCrtDate                    13a
     D MbrLSrcChg                    13a
     D MbrText                       50a
     D MbrSrcFile                     1a
     D MbrRemote                      1a
     D MbrLForPF                      1a
     D MbrODPShare                    1a
     D MbrReserved                    2a
     D MbrCurrRcds                   10i 0
     D MbrDltRcds                    10i 0
     D MbrDataSpcSize                10i 0
     D MbrAccPthSize                 10i 0
     D Mbr#BasedOn                   10i 0
     D MbrChgDate                    13a
     D MbrSaveDate                   13a
     D MbrRstDate                    13a
     D MbrExpDate                     7a
     D MbrReserv1                     6a
     D Mbr#DaysUsed                  10i 0
     D MbrLstUsed                     7a
     D MbrUseReset                    7a
     D MbrReserv2                     2a
     D MbrDtaSpcMult                 10i 0
     D MbrAccPthMult                 10i 0
     D MbrOffset1                    10i 0
     D Mbr1Len                       10i 0
     D MbrCurrBORcds                 10u 0
     D MbrDltBORcds                  10u 0
     D MbrReserv3                     6a
     D MbrJoinMbr                     1a
     D MbrAccPthMaint                 1a
     D MbrSQLType                    10a
     D MbrReserv4                     1a
     d MbrAllowRead                   1a
     D MbrAllowWrite                  1a
     D MbrAllowUpdate                 1a
     D MbrAllowDelete                 1a
     D MbrReserv5                     1a
     D MbrRcdFrcWrite                10i 0
     D MbrMaxPctDlt                  10i 0
     D MbrInit#Rcds                  10i 0
     D MbrIncr#Rcds                  10i 0
     D MbrMaxIncrem                  10i 0
     D MbrCurIncrem                  10u 0
     D MbrRcdCapacity                10u 0
     D MbrRcdFmtPgm                  10a
     D MbrRcdFmtLib                  10a
     D Mbr#Constraint                 5i 0
     D MbrOffsetConst                10i 0
     D MbrReserv6                    46a

     '* Based On PF DS
     D BasedOnDS       DS
     D  BOPFName                     10a
     D  BOPFLib                      10a
     D  BOPFMember                   10a
     D  BORcdFmt                     10a
     D  BORest                41    112a

     '* DBR DS
     D DBRPtr          s               *
     D DBRDS           ds                  Based(DBRPtr)
     d DBRPFName                     10a
     d DBRPFLib                      10a
     D DBRDepFile                    10a
     D DBRDepLib                     10a
     D DBRDepType                     1a
     D DBRReserve                     3a
     D DBRJoinRef#                   10i 0
     D DBRCstLib                     10a
     D DBRCstNameLen                 10i 0
     D DBRCstName                   258a

     '* Work Fields
     DCUSQualUSName    s             20a
     DCUSFldUSName     s             20a
     DCUSDBRUSName     s             20a
     DCUSPFNameRet     s             20a
     DInputPFName      s             20a
     DCUSExtAttribut   s             10a
     DCUSInitSize      s             10I 0
     DOutputDataLen    s             10I 0 inz(32766)
     DOutputData       s          32766a
     DCUSInitValue     s              1a
     DCUSPublicAuth    s             10a
     DCUSDescription   s             50a
     DCUSReplace       s             10a
     DCUSMbrUSName     s             20a
     D MbrPtr          s               *
     D Member          s             10a   Based(MbrPtr)
     DFilNam           s             10a
     DStrPos           s             10i 0
     DOffset           s             10i 0
     DTimes            s             10i 0
     DEndBuf           s              5  0
     DSeq#             s              8  0
     D #OfDepFiles     s             10i 0
     Dtmpdate          s               d   inz(D'1995-01-01') datfmt(*usa/)
     Dlines            s            132a   inz(*All'_')
     d  OverrideProc   s              1a   Inz('0')
     D Dependancy      s             50a
     D a               s             10i 0
     D b               s             10i 0
     D c               s             10i 0
     D i               s             10i 0
     D j               s             10i 0
     D k               s             10i 0
     C     *Entry        PList
     C                   Parm                    CUSPFName        20
     '* Set up Date & Time Output Field...
     c                   movel     *date         tmpdate
     C                   time                    utime             6 0
     C                   Eval      FilNam=%Subst(CUSPFName:1:10)

     '* Create The User Space For The Record Format List
     c                   Eval      CUSQualUSName='RCDFMT    QTEMP'
     c                   Eval      CUSExtAttribut='USRSPC'
     c                   Eval      CUSInitSize=1024
     c                   Eval      CUSInitValue=x'00'
     c                   Eval      CUSPublicAuth='*ALL'
     c                   Eval      CUSDescription='Record Formats'
     c                   Eval      CUSReplace='*YES'
     c                   CallP(E)  CrtUsrSpc(CUSQualUSName:
     c                             CUSExtAttribut:CUSInitSize:
     c                             CUSInitValue:CUSPublicAuth:
     c                             CUSDescription:CUSReplace:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Create Failed
     c                   If        %Error
     c                   callp     SendMsg(*blanks:
     c                                   ErrorDS:
     c                                   StackDS:
     c                                   %size(StackDS):
     c                                   'RSNM0100':
     c                                   *NULL:
     c                                   0)
     c                   endif

     '* List Record Formats Into User Space
     c                   CallP(E)  ListRcdFmts(CUSQualUSName:
     c                             'RCDL0200':
     c                             CUSPFName:
     c                             OverrideProc:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Access The Data via Pointer
     c                   CallP(E)  UserSpacePntr(CUSQualUSName:CUSPointer)
     c                   Eval      SaveHdrDS=USHeader
     c                   Eval      RcdFmtHdrPtr=CUSPointer+SavOffsetToHdr
     c                             + ((a-1) * %Size(RcdFmtHdrDS))

     '* Process The Detail Data
     c                   Do        SavNumberOfDtli
     c                   Eval      RcdFmtPtr=CUSPointer+SavOffsetToDtl
     c                             + ((i-1) * %Size(RcdFmtDS))
     C                   Except    Heads
     C                   Except    Head1

     '* Get Record Format Info Printed
     c                   ExSR      RcdFmtSR

     '* Get Key Data Info Printed
     c                   ExSR      KeyDataSR

     '* Get Member Data Info Printed
     c                   ExSR      MbrDataSR
     c                   EndDo

     '* Terminate
     c                   ExSR      Terminate

     '* Record Format Information
     c     RcdFmtSR      BegSR

     '* Create The User Space For The Field List
     c                   Z-Add     0             Seq#
     c                   Eval      CUSFldUSName='FLDLST    QTEMP'
     c                   Eval      CUSExtAttribut='USRSPC'
     c                   Eval      CUSInitSize=1024
     c                   Eval      CUSInitValue=x'00'
     c                   Eval      CUSPublicAuth='*ALL'
     c                   Eval      CUSDescription='Field List'
     c                   Eval      CUSReplace='*YES'
     c                   CallP(E)  CrtUsrSpc(CUSFldUSName:
     c                             CUSExtAttribut:CUSInitSize:
     c                             CUSInitValue:CUSPublicAuth:
     c                             CUSDescription:CUSReplace:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Create Failed
     c                   If        %Error
     c                   callp     SendMsg(*blanks:
     c                                   ErrorDS:
     c                                   StackDS:
     c                                   %size(StackDS):
     c                                   'RSNM0100':
     c                                   *NULL:
     c                                   0)
     c                   endif

     '* Create Field List
     c                   CallP(E)  ListFields(CUSFldUSName:
     c                             'FLDL0100':
     c                             CUSPFName:
     c                             RcdFmtName:
     c                             OverrideProc:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Access Data via Pointer
     c                   CallP(E)  UserSpacePntr(CUSFldUSName:CUSPointer)
     c                   Eval      OutputData=*Blanks

     '* Process Detail Data
     c                   Do        HdrNumberOfDtlj
     c                   Eval      FldPtr=CUSPointer+HdrOffsetToDtl
     c                             + ((j-1) * %Size(LstFldDS))

     '* Get the Ending Buffer Position
     c                   Eval      EndBuf=FldOutBuffPos+(FldLength-1)

     '* If Numeric Field Set On Indicator 10
     c                   If        FldDataType ='B'
     c                             OR FldDataType='D'
     c                             OR FldDataType='F'
     c                             OR FldDataType='M'
     c                             OR FldDataType='N'
     c                             OR FldDataType='P'
     c                             OR FldDataType='S'
     c                   Eval      *In10=*On
     c                   Else
     c                   Eval      *In10=*Off
     c                   EndIf

     '* Increment the Sequence Number & Write The Details
     c                   Add       10            Seq#
     c   OF              Except    Heads
     C   OF              Except    Head1
     c                   Except    Detail
     c                   Eval      *InOF=*Off
     c                   EndDo

     '* Save The Number Of Fields For Total Printing
     c                   Z-Add     RcdNumFlds    FldCnt           10 0
     c                   EndSR

     '* Key Data Information
     c     KeyDataSR     BegSR

     '* Get The Key Information From API Into Output Variable
     c                   Except    KeyHed
     c                   Eval      OutputDataLen=32766
     c                   Eval      CUSPFNameRet=*Blanks
     c                   CallP(E)  ListFileDesc(OutputData:
     c                             OutputDataLen:
     c                             CUSPFNameRet:
     c                             'FILD0300':
     C                             CUSPFName:
     c                             RcdFmtName:
     c                             OverrideProc:
     c                             '*LCL':
     c                             '*EXT':
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* If Any Errors Occur or No Key Fields Found, Set Number Of Keys To 0
     c                   If        OutputData=*Blanks
     C                             OR %Error
     c                             OR %len(%Trim(OutputData))=0
     c                   Eval      Key#OfKeys=0
     c                   Else
     c                   MoveL     OutputData    FDHDS
     c                   EndIf

     '* Process Key Information Stored in the OutputData Variable
     c                   Eval      StrPos=KeyInfoOffset+1
     c                   Do        Key#OfKeys
     c                   Eval      KeyDS=%Subst(OutputData:StrPos:
     c                             +%Size(KeyDS))

     '* Print Key Information
     c   OF              Except    Heads
     c   OF              Except    KeyHed
     c                   Except    KeyLine
     c                   Eval      *InOF=*Off
     c                   Eval      StrPos=StrPos+%Size(KeyDS)
     c                   EndDo
     c                   EndSR

     '* Member Information
     c     MbrDataSR     BegSR

     '* Create The User Space For The Member List
     c                   Except    MbrHed
     c                   Eval      CUSMbrUSName='MBRLST    QTEMP'
     c                   Eval      CUSExtAttribut='USRSPC'
     c                   Eval      CUSInitSize=1024
     c                   Eval      CUSInitValue=x'00'
     c                   Eval      CUSPublicAuth='*ALL'
     c                   Eval      CUSDescription='MembersList'
     c                   Eval      CUSReplace='*YES'
     c                   CallP(E)  CrtUsrSpc(CUSMbrUSName:
     c                             CUSExtAttribut:CUSInitSize:
     c                             CUSInitValue:CUSPublicAuth:
     c                             CUSDescription:CUSReplace:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Create Failed
     c                   If        %Error
     c                   callp     SendMsg(*blanks:
     c                                   ErrorDS:
     c                                   StackDS:
     c                                   %size(StackDS):
     c                                   'RSNM0100':
     c                                   *NULL:
     c                                   0)
     c                   endif

     '* Get Member List
     c                   CallP(E)  ListMembers(CUSMbrUSName:
     c                             'MBRL0100':
     c                             CUSPFName:
     c                             '*ALL':
     c                             OverrideProc:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Access Member List via Pointer
     c                   CallP(E)  UserSpacePntr(CUSMbrUSName:CUSPointer)
     c                   Eval      Sav2HdrDS=USHeader
     c                   Eval      MbrHdrPtr=CUSPointer
     c                   Eval      MbrHdrPtr=MbrHdrPtr+Sv2OffsetToHdr
     C                   Eval      InputPFName=CUSPFName

     '* Process The Member List
     c                   Do        Sv2NumberOfDtlk
     c                   Eval      MbrPtr=CUSPointer+Sv2OffsetToDtl
     c                             + ((k-1) * %Size(Member))
     c                   Eval      OutputDataLen=32766
     c                   Eval      OverrideProc='0'

     '* Retrieve The Member Information via API
     c                   If        Member<>*Blanks
     c                   CallP(E)  ListMemberInfo(OutputData:
     c                             OutputDataLen:
     c                             'MBRD0300':
     c                             InputPFName:
     c                             Member:
     c                             OverrideProc:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Error During Retrieve The Member Information via API
     c                   If        OutputData=*Blanks
     C                             OR %Error
     c                             OR %len(%Trim(OutputData))=0
     c                   Eval      Mbr#BasedOn=0
     c                   Else
     c                   MoveL     OutputData    MemberDS
     c                   EndIf

     '* Print Member Information
     c   OF              Except    Heads
     c   OF              Except    MbrHed
     c                   Except    MbrLine

     '* If This is a LF, List the Based On PF Information
     c                   If        MbrLForPF='1'
     c                   Eval      StrPos=384
     c                   If        Mbr#BasedOn>0
     c                   SetOn                                        11
     c                   SetOff                                       12
     c                   Except    BasedOnHdr
     c                   Do        Mbr#BasedOn
     c                   Eval      BasedOnDS=%Subst(OutputData:StrPos:112)
     c                   Except    BasedOnDtl
     c                   Eval      StrPos=StrPos+112
     c                   EndDo
     c                   EndIf

     '* If This is a PF, List the Dependent File Information
     c                   Else
     c                   SetOn                                        12
     c                   SetOff                                       11
     c                   ExSR      ListDBRSR
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndDo

     '* Print File Totals
     c                   Except    Totals
     c                   EndSR

     '* List Database Relations Subroutine
     c     ListDBRSR     BegSR

     '* Create The User Space For The DBR List
     c                   Eval      CUSDBRUSName='DBRLST    QTEMP'
     c                   Eval      CUSExtAttribut='USRSPC'
     c                   Eval      CUSInitSize=1024
     c                   Eval      CUSInitValue=x'00'
     c                   Eval      CUSPublicAuth='*ALL'
     c                   Eval      CUSDescription='DBR List'
     c                   Eval      CUSReplace='*YES'
     c                   CallP(E)  CrtUsrSpc(CUSDBRUSName:
     c                             CUSExtAttribut:CUSInitSize:
     c                             CUSInitValue:CUSPublicAuth:
     c                             CUSDescription:CUSReplace:
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Create Failed
     c                   If        %Error
     c                   callp     SendMsg(*blanks:
     c                                   ErrorDS:
     c                                   StackDS:
     c                                   %size(StackDS):
     c                                   'RSNM0100':
     c                                   *NULL:
     c                                   0)
     c                   endif

     '* List DBR Into User Space
     c                   CallP(E)  ListDBR(CUSDBRUSName:
     c                             'DBRL0100':
     c                             CUSPFName:
     c                             '*ALL':
     c                             '*ALL':
     c                             ErrorDS)

     '* Access Data via Pointer
     c                   CallP(E)  UserSpacePntr(CUSDBRUSName:CUSPointer)
     c                   If        HdrNumberOfDtl>0
     C                   Except    DBRHeads
     c                   Eval      #OfDepFiles=HdrNumberOfDtl

     '* Process All Dependancies
     c                   Do        HdrNumberOfDtlc
     c                   Eval      DBRPtr=CUSPointer+HdrOffsetToDtl
     c                             + ((c-1) * %Size(DBRDS))

     '* Load Dependancy Type For Print
     c                   Select
     c                   When      DBRDepType='C'
     c                   Eval      Dependancy='Constraint'
     c                   When      DBRDepType='D'
     c                   Eval      Dependancy='Extracted Data'
     c                   When      DBRDepType='I'
     c                   Eval      Dependancy='Extracted Data(Shared Acc
     c                   When      DBRDepType='O'
     c                   Eval      Dependancy='Extracted Data(Owned Acc
     c                   When      DBRDepType='V'
     c                   Eval      Dependancy='SQL View'
     c                   Other
     c                   Eval      Dependancy='Unknown'
     c                   EndSL

     '* Print Dependent File Information
     C                   Except    DBRDtl
     c                   EndDo
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndSR

     '* Termination
     c     Terminate     BegSR
     c                   Eval      *InLR=*On
     c                   Return
     c                   EndSR
     '* Output Specs...
     Oqsysprt   e            heads          1 03
     O                                              'Date:'
     O                       tmpdate             +1
     O                                           40 'File Name:'
     o                       filnam              +1
     o                                           +1 'In Library:'
     o                       RcdPFLib            +1
     O                                          123 'Time:'
     O                       utime              132 '  :  :  '
     O          e            heads          1
     O                                           42 'Rec. Format:'
     O                       RcdFmtName          +1
     o                       RcdPFText           +1
     O                                          123 'Page:'
     O                       page          z    132
     O          e            heads          0
     o                       lines
     O          e            head1          1
     O                                            8 'Seq. Nbr'
     O                                           +1 'Field Name'
     O                                           +1 'Description'
     O                                           89 'Buffer Pos.'
     O                                          109 'Attributes'
     O          e            detail         1
     o                       seq#          z      8
     o                       FldName             +1
     o                       FldDesc             +1
     o                       FldOutBuffPos z     +1
     o                                           +1 '-'
     o                       endbuf        z     +1
     o               10      FldDigits     z     +1
     o               10      FldDataType         +0
     o               10      FldDecimals         +2 '        0 '
     O              N10      FldLength     z    100
     o              n10      FldDataType        101
     o          e            keyhed      2  1
     O                                              'Keyed By'
     o          e            keyline        1
     O                       KeyExtName         +10
     o          e            mbrhed      2  1
     O                                              'Members In File:'
     o          e            mbrline        1
     O                       Member             +10
     O                       MbrText             +1
     O          e            BasedOnHdr     1
     o                                              'Based On:'
     o          e            BasedOnHdr     1
     o                                              'Physical File'
     o                                           25 'Library'
     o                                           35 'Member'
     o                                           53 'Record Format'
     o          e            BasedOnDtl     1
     o                       BOPFName
     o                       BOPFLib             27
     o                       BOPFMember          38
     o                       BORcdFmt            49
     o          e            DBRHeads       1
     o                                              'Dependent Files:'
     o          e            DBRHeads       1
     o                                              'File     '
     o                                           +1 'Library  '
     o                                           +1 'Dependancy Type'
     o          e            DBRDtl         1
     o                       DBRDepFile
     o                       DBRDepLib           +1
     o                       Dependancy          +1
     o          e            totals      2  1
     o                       lines
     o          e            totals         1
     o                                              'Number Of Fields:'
     o                       FldCnt              37 '        0 '
     o          e            totals         1
     o                                              'Number Of Keys:'
     o                       Key#OfKeys          37 '        0 '
     o          e            totals         1
     o                                              'Number Of Members:'
     o                       #OfMembers          37 '        0 '
     o          e    11      totals         1
     o                                              'Number Of Based On
     o                       Mbr#BasedOn         37 '        0 '
     o          e    12      totals         1
     o                                              'Number Of Dependent
     o                       #OfDepFiles         37 '        0 '

Tommy Holden

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Klement [mailto:rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 6:56 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: RE: Finding Field Reference File information for Database Files

Hi Jonathan,

> Plus, of course, there's the opportunity of getting to grips with API
> programming - I've done a bit in the past year, but not enough that I
> have to keep going back to the manuals and previous programs.

The only reason I suggest DSPFFD is that the QDBRTVFD API is a
particularly difficult API to work with.  In my opinion, they tried to do
too much with one API in this case.  This lead to a large number of daisy
chained data structures.

The particular example of the ref info is actually a relatively easy thing
to get, but when drilling down to some of the info in the FILD0100 format,
you can get frustrated quickly.

I guess the reason I'm telling you this is to say "Don't get frustrated
and give up APIs based on this one.  Most aren't nearly this difficult to
work with."

Carsten Flensburg wrote an article that demonstrates some of the uses of
this API in the Sep 9 issue of Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips
newsletter.  If you're a pro member of the iSeriesNetwork, you can read it
at the following link:

I don't think that it demonstrates the reference info directly, but it
might be easier to modify his code than to start from scratch.

If you search the iSeries Network (or the web in general) for QDBRTVFD,
I'm certain that you'll find more examples.

And, of course, if you get stuck, I'm sure that the members of this
mailing list will help you.

Good luck!

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