That's close to what I was about to suggest. But mine looks like this
P FillArrayAll B
D FillArrayAll PI
D FieldToCheck 50a options(*varsize)
D len 10i 0 value
D CheckValue 50A const
D ArrayValue 50A
COUNT = 1;
read input filerec;
dow %subst(FieldToCheck:1:len)<%subst(CheckValue:1:len);
read input filerec;
dow not %eof(input)
and %subst(FieldToCheck:1:len)=%subst(CheckValue:1:len)
and COUNT < 9999;
WrkSupp(COUNT) = ArrayValue;
COUNT += 1;
read input filerec;
P FillArrayAll E
You'd call it with something like:
FillArrayAll(filerec.PLCD: %len(filerec.PLCD): 'whatever': whatever);
You don't actually need to use a pointer for the first parameter, since
it's passed by REFERENCE... a pointer is passed under the covers
anyway. So when the subprocedure references 'FieldToCheck' it actually
references the exact same spot in memory as filerec.PLCD. Since that's
part of the filerec data structure, it'll reference the data in the data
structure, which is what is desired here.
Using %addr(), a pointer, and a based field accomplishes the exact same
thing, but requires a little more code and complexity to achieve the
same result.
I also used %subst() on CheckValue which Adam didn't -- and that might
be a result of me having an imprecise idea of what CheckValue is for.
But I did make CheckValue a CONST field since it's address is not
important, and that'll let you pass other CONST fields or literals if
you desire.
Note that this code (both Adam's and mine) will only work if all fields
are fixed-length alphanumeric fields. The results might be screwy,
Also, note that the way the code is written, the file has to be sorted
by the field you're checking! It reads records as long as the field
you're checking against is less than the check value, and that could
only be assumed to be correct if the file is sorted by that field (or if
it's reading a keyed access path by the field -- which doesn't seem
reasonable considering that the procedure is supposed to work on any
field.) This seems very strange to me -- and I wonder if that's not a
logic error in Don's original code.
Adam Glauser wrote:
Don Wereschuk wrote:
< How is the code inside the procedure supposed to know how long the field
< is that you are passing?
Again I'm not passing actual data since I haven't read the file yet.
Oh, now I think I get what you're trying to do. Maybe you want
something more like this:
P FillArrayAll B
D FillArrayAll PI
D FieldToCheck *
D lenFieldToCheck...
D 5P 0 const
D CheckValue 50A
D ArrayValue 50A
DCheckField S 65535A based(FieldToCheck)
COUNT = 1;
read input filerec;
dow %subst(CheckField : 1 : lenFieldToCheck) < CheckValue;
read input filerec;
dow not %eof(input) and
%subst(CheckField : 1 : lenFieldToCheck) = CheckValue and
COUNT < 9999;
WrkSupp(COUNT) = ArrayValue;
COUNT += 1;
read input filerec;
P FillArrayAll E
and you would call it like this:
fillArrayAll(%addr(filerec.PLCD) : %size(filerec.PLCD) :
'thisRecordNeedsAction' : 'I want this is my array');
As an aside, you seem to be using a global variable (WrkSupp) inside
your subprocedure. This is not a very good practice, and can lead to
some really frustrating bugs.
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