Though you mention having tried various APIs I would suggest revisiting the List Jobs API QUSLJOB with the fourth parameter (Status) set to *ACTIVE. This should outperform WRKACTJOB to *PRINT and provide a formal programming interface for your application (using spooled output is not considered a safe/formal approach as printed reports are subject to change without notice).
My book, APIs at Work, discusses the List Job API and demonstrates how to process the API results in a high performance manner. Vendor warning -- as the author I do receive compensation.
Bruce Vining Services
--- On Tue, 2/10/09, Boman, James <James.Boman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Boman, James <James.Boman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: CGI Spool File from WRKACTJOB
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 7:41 AM
I have an RPGLE CGI job that is performing a WRKACTJOB to *PRINT and I
want to use the spooled file to build a list of active jobs on the
system. I am performing an override of the file before running the
WRKACTJOB command, so the spool file is being created. The problem is
the HTTP job is running under QTMHHTTP and the spool file is created
under the user QTMHHTP1.
How can I control this so the spool file is shown under QTMHHTTP or is
there another way to retrieve the spool file?
I can perform this process from a green screen session and it works
I had tried several of the IBM API's, but they are very slow.
Any help would be appreciated.
James Boman
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