On 14/10/2009, at 4:51 AM, M. Lazarus wrote:
It's no big deal either way, but I don't see a huge advantage to
named sigs. As to IBM's not using *PRV in their own modules, I'm
curious how they manage their object generation so that everything is
in sync and it's never an issue.
1) Because they recompile everything for a new release so consumers
will pick up any changed export order.
2) Because they don't change the export order--just add new exports to
the end
3) Because they are careful during development and test before public
For what it's worth: I do use the *PRV support in service programs
because it allows me to see which version a CONSUMER is using. There
is no real advantage between *PRV with either system-generated
signatures, *PRV user-defined signatures, or having only a *CURRENT
user-defined signature block as far as the SERVICE PROGRAM is
concerned. Yes, you can see some level of "history" but since you
can't see what exports belong with a given signature (except by
examining the binder source) it's of limited use.
What it does give me is knowledge that this PROGRAM expects signature
such-and-such and that can help me diagnose certain problems. I know
the program's view of the world.
I generally don't expose one procedure at a time (at least not for the
released code) so I will have a group of new procedures in the current
signature block. That avoids Scott's complaint about having 500
signature blocks due to releasing a service program "version" for each
new export.
I also don't agree with breaking compatibility by removing an export
or by changing the export order. If you need to do that then you
didn't get your design right.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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