On 2014-07-02 08:47, Charles Wilt wrote:
... If you didn't have the *NOPASS, you could do
D parmData DS
D parm1
D parm2
D parm3
D parm4
D parm Overlay(parmData)
D Like(parm1) Dim(200)
But I'm not sure it will work with *NOPASS
You can't put parameters into a data structure like that. Unless you
mean that program should be changed so that it only gets one parameter
with 200 subfields instead of 200 parameters.
I would use a C module for the main procedure. C receives program
parameters as an array of pointers, while RPG dereferences the pointers
under the covers. The C procedure could pass the array of parameters to
the RPG procedure. But the array would be an array of _pointers_, not
varying-length strings.
Here's an example. This C module could be used as the main module for
any program that needs to handle parameters as an array of pointers.
For my little example, I tested for parameter values of 'abc' rather
than blanks, but the idea is the same.
C module with a main procedure:
void RPGMAIN(int argc, void *argv[]);
void main(int argc, void *argv[])
RPGMAIN(argc, argv);
RPG module with procedure RPGMAIN.
ctl-opt nomain;
dcl-proc rpgmain export;
dcl-pi *n;
numParms int(10) value;
parmArr pointer dim(201); // first pointer is pgm name
dcl-s i int(10);
dcl-s parm varchar(999) based(p);
for i = 2 to numParms;
p = parmArr(i);
if parm = 'abc';
dsply 'it is abc';
dsply 'it is not abc';
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