Cool, that is good news!

I currently use the eclipse built in Text Editor Viewer to view spool files. Which allows me to zoom in & out on test. I can scan for strings case insensitive.

So, I am probably one of the few that will welcome that enhancement. Maybe my tri-focals makes me want it more than others. <LOL>

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Steve Ferrell
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 1:45 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

Hi Matt and Ken,

The Zoom IN and OUT has made it on the RDi RoadMap. I've been doing Eclipse and RPG for a long time too, and my eyes will appreciate the zoom in. Can't promise dates, but it is in the works. Here's a short-cut to vote.

Steve Ferrell

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Tyler, Matt
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

1. what's the RFE? Kind of hard to vote if I don’t know the link to it and I not that keen to deep search the RFE site.

2. Do you know about the LPEX samples provided? In help you search for LPEX Samples the select (LPEX API Reference)<>.


-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Killian
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 7:09 AM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

I put in a RFE to allow you to zoom IN & OUT on the LPEX editor.

I was sort of hoping that the Open source Community might be able to fix that, if it was open source.

Other code editors, like Eclipse, Visual-Code, Visual Studio, NotePad++, IntelliJ, sublime, etc... Do have Zoom in/Out. Heck even our web browsers have zoom in/out.

I would not think that ZOOM IN & OUT is Rocket Science.

Microsoft has had professional Visual Studio for over 21-years. Their IDE has already graduated college! Yeah! No wonder it is light years ahead. Experience counts!

The quality of any Software speaks for itself!

PS. I will hold my breath until RDI goes Open-Source. <kidding>

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----

From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> On Behalf Of Tim Fathers

Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 8:27 AM

To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>

Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

Eclipse is over 15 years old, not sure I'd call that "modern" 😊 In my experience it's buggy bloatware and the IDEs based on it are the ones I like to use least.

Although Eclipse is open-source, I was referring to the RDi parts of it that should also be open sourced so that third parties don't have to recreate the wheel when it comes to parsing the source code and keeping the syntax up-to-date, which is a job clearly better done by the IBM chaps.

You may be right about it not being more successful either way, but I believe RDi would have had much greater adoption had it been a simple, free download from the IBM website and it would be a superior product with the additional input of the developer community.


From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> on behalf of Mark Murphy <jmarkmurphy@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:jmarkmurphy@xxxxxxxxx>>

Sent: 20 August 2018 20:30

To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries

Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

Tim, RDI is already based on a modern IDE which is already open source right? The fact that IBM doesn't really keep up with the bleeding edge of Eclipse technology isn't that much of a problem. Same would happen on whichever IDE they built over, and the community isn't really that large compared to some of the other communities that use Eclipse (PHP for example). I have a hard time believing that RDI would be any more successful on a different platform, open source or not.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 10:07 AM Tim Fathers <X700-IX2J@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:X700-IX2J@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

I think the reason Microsoft development tools are so good it that

they have thousands of programmers in-house developing Microsoft's own

applications with them and, most likely, using the tools themselves to

develop the tools. RDi is a niche product and I suspect the developers

don't get that much opportunity to write real RPG or COBOL

applications with their own tools.

In my opinion, IBM should drop the silly price tag, port RDi to a

modern IDE like VS Code and open source it so that the developers that

actually use the product in anger (literally in many cases 😊 ) can

contribute to it. There are a couple of open source alternatives

already but the number of people in our environment who have the

skills and inclination to write them is small and to my mind it would

make far more sense for those resources to be pooled with IBM's on a single open source project.


<wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> on
behalf of Ken Killian

< kkillian@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:kkillian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>

Sent: 20 August 2018 15:31

To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client

for System i & iSeries

Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the

weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

Oh well falling back to Reliable NotePad++, it has ZERO PROBLEMS with

splitting lines. And actually lines it up on the next paragraph.

Perfectly EVERY TIME. I admit, I expect too much for RDI. I need to

have realistic expectations for RDI. Do not expect too much. Concur.

Gee, I didn't think splitting a line was rocket science, and requires

to disable the parser to stop code from being erased.

I am require to set up test-cases using RPG-UNIT, and I have to cut &

paste huge SQL-statements to set up test data for repeated test-cases.

So, my case usage is probably out of the ordinary. Plus, using

NotePad++, I don't have to shift each line split to line up correctly

either. Works 100% much better in NotePad++ anyway. I have a

work-around for the limitations of RDI.

A quality software product speaks for itself, and the brand.

My co-workers laugh nervously, asking meekly, cannot IBM do line

splitting? I have to reply, "NO, sadly, and for what ever reason, they

cannot handle it on a consistent basis. No wonder Microsoft tool-set

is far superior. And I have to use Alt+S to split sql statements, but

I can use <Enter> to split "normal" lines.

As long as I work around for limitations of coding RDI, I am good to go!

Thanks for the insight. I have no doubt that RDI will eventual get

better after 4-years of college.

-Ken Killian-


<wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> on
behalf of Buck Calabro

< kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx>>

Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 7:54 AM

To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client

for System i & iSeries

Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the

weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)

On Sat, 18 Aug 2018 at 03:11, Vernon Hamberg



Y'all - the most recent versions of RDi do split the line at the

cursor when you press Enter - to get the previous behavior - to get

a new line, you press Ctrl-Enter.

That was very welcome, but there is a complex interaction between the

'line splitter' and 'SQL formatter' functionality that is not

immediately intuitive to me. Maybe the list can help. Here is some


exec sql

declare fred cursor for

select *

from systables;

x = y + 500;

I've got it in an SQLRPGLE.

My Preferences in Remote Systems > Remote Systems LPEX Editor > IBM i

Parsers > ILE RPG > Free-Form SQL Formatting are simple. Everything

is unchecked except Automatic indentkeys (Filter on SQL).

In Remote Systems > Remote Systems LPEX Editor > IBM i Parsers > ILE

RPG > Key Behavior I have Alt-S splits and shifts Enter splits in free

form Automatic indent Automatic closure of control block Tab indents

In LPEX Editor > User Key Actions, I have nothing.

Now put the cursor on the '5' in 'x = y + 500;'

Press Enter.

In my window, the 500 moves down one line and is shifted to the left

so it lines up with the '=' sign above.

I rather like that

This works the same in Insert or Overstrike mode..

Now place the cursor on the 'c' in 'declare fred cursor for'.

Press Enter.

My editor gives me a new, empty line after 'declare fred cursor for'.

It behaves exactly like Ctrl-Enter in free-form calcs.

I'm not keen on that because in my head I think of SQL statements as

free-form calculations. RDi has a different opinion :-)

Try the same experiment using the numeric keypad Enter, and it's

different to each other yet again. This time the SQL spli/shifts but

the calcs split/shift/no indent. I'd be OK with any of these

behaviours if they were entirely consistent - if Main Enter always did

X and Numeric Enter always did Y.

You've been on the RDi road with me for a long time Vern, so I know I

don't need to go into the history of the thing. I have a hypothesis

that because RDi was born in the columnar age, grew into a teen in the

columnar age, and is now a college student in the emoji age, there are

more than a few internal RDi processes that simply assume columnar

code. As we find and report them to IBM, I'm sure they'll get

addressed. I've never been more optimistic about RPG and RDi in 30

years. It's a great time to be an RPG programmer.

As for my Microsoft colleagues ribbing me about this or that, well

that's what bonds us together as programmers. They have their own

complaints about their IDE. I truly feel for the RDi developers.

They're writing a thing for programmers. Speaking for myself, as a

programmer, I Could Do That Better Then Those Other Programmers Did.

I'm sure of that, regardless of how true it actually may be (spoiler:

not remotely true). Do doctors make the worst patients? Do

programmers make the worst IDE users? Hm.



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