-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jon Paris
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 4:02 PM
To: Wdsci-L <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Enter splits lines (was: Officially the weirdest thing I've seen in RDi)
But this code vanishing thing is something that (as far as I know) only happens to you. I have had similar disastrous events with MS products - hell I've had MS products roast my entire bloody machine! I also don't like VS code - just can't make it work for me.
I hear your frustration - trust me I was bitching to the developers about Code/400 and WDSC long before you'd even heard about it. But I feel that your tone here can be highly counter productive. How do you think it affects the view of new users who are perusing this list seeking help getting started? Think it encourages them to keep going when they see an experienced user refer to the product as if it were a dung heap or worse? Maybe instead just talk to the facts and see if others are experiencing the same thing?
You already have the ear of the development team - write them direct. What point is there is scaring off the newbies with one off these rants?
Just one mans opinion.
Jon Paris
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