Absolutely on the mainframe.
On the i5, briefly, you need some sort of MIMIX-like program to constantly keep
two LPARs in sync and provide the automatic switching of LPAR IP upon failover.
Now as to your version of zero-down time... even a mainframe couldn't help in
the situation you mention as the site is destroyed.
What I'm saying is the LPAR switch will work for an LPAR failure but is not the
best solution for site damage. For that situation, you'd need a separate site
and MIMIX.
"Walden H. Leverich" <WaldenL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 6/5/2007 06:20 >>>
To your first answer... sounds like a beehive or the borg, but
seriously you can do essentially the same thing with a properly
configured i5 or mainframe with partitioned DB and LPARs.
A mainframe, maybe. You can do some really sick stuff when you get into
sysplex -- basically driving a mac truck through the machine won't bring
it down...
But, please tell me how you configure an i5 (even with LPARs) to require
zero downtime. (zero, not almost zero, not 99.999, not hardly-ever-down,
not always up except for...) oh, and don't forget to account for power
failures, airplane-building collisions, and crazy employees with Uzis
when telling me how it's done.
Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x3051
http://www.TechSoftInc.com (
http://www.techsoftinc.com/ )
Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)
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