Hi Barry, I'm using a CL to stop the U* jobs and basically it does the following: Start-up MAPICS environment: STRMAPICS ENDS(&ENVDES) MENU(*NONE) Set-up LDA pos. 242 & 270 with PGM(AXZLDA0R) End U-job: CALL PGM(AXZSR) PARM(&LDA &UJKEY1 '*END') where UJKEY1 can be 'AMI3K' IM BACKFLUSH TRANS. UPDATE 'PSVTUP' PDM+ TRANSACTIONS PROCESSING etc... End MAPICS environment ENDMAPICS Peter Lefebvre Honda Belgium |---------+-----------------------------> | | "Barry Foxworthy" | | | <bfoxworthy@erinet| | | .com> | | | Sent by: | | | mapics-l-bounces@m| | | idrange.com | | | | | | | | | 11/03/2004 04:44 | | | Please respond to | | | MAPICS ERP System | | | Discussion | | | | |---------+-----------------------------> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | To: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> | | cc: | | Subject: Re: Unattached Jobs | >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Yes, the jobs need ended while the a save runs. Custom programs build trdata via RF devices for PMC transactions and trigger the dataq to update but the u-jobs need to be down due to file allocations. Controlling the custom jobs and their file allocations that build trdata is not a problem, just ending and starting the u-jobs at a specific time. Running 24/7 has as most do these days has created this challenge. The 'marco' approach may be an option but would perfer a custom CL to control the u-jobs but may discuss in the future. Thank you for your comments. Barry ----- Original Message ----- From: <LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:10 PM Subject: Re: Unattached Jobs > Is your data collection a backup issue? It was for us unt DCSI. > > We use a Rumba macro to 'sense' for awhile. Works > I'd be happy to elaborate if necessa -----mapics-l-bounces@mi > To: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" &l From: "Barry Foxworthy" <bfoxworthy@erine Sent by: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx > Date: 03/10/2004 05: Subject: Unattached Jobs > > G > Would anyone in the group care to comment on a process the background u-jobs. I'm sure this is an age old issue starting, holding or stopping are issues with the daily an Is it possible to schedule a job to hold or stop them prior running and then release or re-start them? Has this been addresse custom programming? > > Thanks > Barry Foxworthy > ___ _________________________ ___________________ > This is the MA To post a message ema To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list opti visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l<