What does Go LICPGM, option 50 show?
Display History Log Contents
PTF installation process started.
Loading of PTFs started.
Loading of PTFs completed successfully.
Marking of PTFs for delayed application started.
Marking of PTFs for delayed application completed successfully.
PTFs installed successfully.
Apply PTF started.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761999 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761SS1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5733SC1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761DE1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761DG1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761JC1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761JV1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs for product 5761ST1 completed successfully.
Applying of PTFs completed.
PTFs applied or removed during IPL.
(from here on down is what I tried in the past 10 minutes, above is what I
did this morning)
PTF installation process started.
Loading of PTFs started.
Loading of PTFs completed successfully.
Marking of PTFs for delayed application started.
No PTFs installed.
Aaron Bartell
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