>If one were to measure the elapsed CPU
>time to perform some action such as
>pressing the PageUp key 200 times while
>browsing a list of records in a 5250
>subfile, then were to perform an equivalent
>action using the Web interface,
>what would the difference in CPU time be?

I have finished the first round of timings.  I appreciate comments on
possible fine-tuning of the metrics I used.  Basically, I did a customer
inquiry, selecting all records and did a page down 100 times on both the
green screen and WebFacing.  I tracked CPU time for WAS, HTTP, QINTER,
appropriate QSYSWRK jobs.

Here is the summary:
               CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %  El time
WebFacing     27.7    0     .0     18    7.4   5:06
Green screen   1.3  108     .0    363    1.2   1:08

The WF version takes 20 times more total CPU, but uses half the interactive
CPU than the green screen version.  It also takes 5 times longer to page
through 100 pages than the green screen did on a Pentium II 450 with 128
megs RAM.

And the details:
Type 9406 model 820 prc grp P30 fc 24AA 3072 meg rel V5R1M0.
WebSphere Version : 4.0.2
Edition: Advanced Edition for Multiplatforms
Build date: Tue Dec 18 00:00:00 EST 2001
Build number: a0150.05
HTTP server Apache

Idle state

 % CPU used . . . . . . . :       18.7    System ASP . . . . . . . :
403.6 G
 % DB capability  . . . . :         .6    % system ASP used  . . . :
 Elapsed time . . . . . . :   00:03:01    Total aux stg  . . . . . :
403.6 G
 Jobs in system . . . . . :       1531    Current unprotect used . :
8566 M
 % perm addresses . . . . :       .010    Maximum unprotect  . . . :
10701 M
 % temp addresses . . . . :       .096

 Sys      Pool   Reserved    Max  ----DB-----  --Non-DB---  Act-   Wait-
 Pool    Size M   Size M     Act  Fault Pages  Fault Pages  Wait   Inel
   1     519.47    201.14  +++++     .0    .0    5.4   5.4   1334     .0
   2     413.52       .30     51    7.4  38.9    1.0   2.9  120.0     .0
   3     100.00       .00     20     .0    .0     .0    .0     .0     .0
   4      15.00       .00      5     .0    .0     .0    .0     .0     .0
   5     768.00       .00     15   28.7  49.0   46.3  54.7  174.5     .0
   6     256.00       .01     25     .0    .0     .0    .0     .0     .0
   7    1000.00       .59    200     .0    .0     .0    .4  941.8     .0

Shared pool config:

Main storage size (M)  . :        3072.00
              Defined    Max   Allocated   Pool  -Paging Option--
Pool         Size (M)  Active  Size (M)     ID   Defined  Current
*MACHINE       519.47   +++++      519.47    1   *FIXED   *FIXED
*BASE          413.52      51      413.52    2   *CALC    *CALC
*INTERACT      768.00      15      768.00    5   *CALC    *CALC
*SPOOL          15.00       5       15.00    4   *CALC    *CALC
*SHRPOOL1      256.00      25      256.00    6   *CALC    *CALC
*SHRPOOL2     1000.00     200     1000.00    7   *CALC    *CALC
*SHRPOOL3      100.00      20      100.00    3   *CALC    *CALC

Start application, Inquiry, enter, page down 100 times, F3 back to command

                Time    CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %
Green   1:08    1.3  108     .0    363    1.2

Before WF
Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %
  DEFAULT_SE   BCI     7   25+    262.1                  0     .0
  QEJBADMIN    BCI     7   25+    109.1                  0     .0
  QEJBMNTR     ASJ     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBFACING    BCI     7   25+   1961.5                  0    1.1
  WEBSERVER    BCH     7   25     113.0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .1                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  QQFVTSVR     BCI     2   50        .9                  0     .0
  QQFWFSVR     BCI     2   50        .9                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .4                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .5                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .1                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .2                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20       3.1                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20       1.3                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .5                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0

After WF 5:06 elapsed
Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %
  DEFAULT_SE   BCI     7   25+    262.3                  0     .0
  QEJBADMIN    BCI     7   25+    109.2                  0     .0
  QEJBMNTR     ASJ     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBFACING    BCI     7   25+   1987.5                  0    8.1
  WEBSERVER    BCH     7   25     113.4                  0     .1
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .1                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBSERVER    BCI     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  QQF4B2CE00   INT     5   20        .6    0     .0     18     .1
  QQFVTSVR     BCI     2   50       1.2                  0     .1
  QQFWFSVR     BCI     2   50       1.3                  0     .1
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .4                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .5                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .1                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .2                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   10        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20       3.1                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20       1.3                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .5                  0     .0
  QSQSRVR      PJ      3   20        .0                  0     .0

% CPU used . . . . . . . :       20.4    System ASP . . . . . . . :    403.6
% DB capability  . . . . :         .4    % system ASP used  . . . :
Elapsed time . . . . . . :   00:35:03    Total aux stg  . . . . . :    403.6
Jobs in system . . . . . :       1551    Current unprotect used . :     8739
% perm addresses . . . . :       .010    Maximum unprotect  . . . :    10701
% temp addresses . . . . :       .096

Sys      Pool   Reserved    Max  ----DB-----  --Non-DB---  Act-   Wait-
Pool    Size M   Size M     Act  Fault Pages  Fault Pages  Wait   Inel
  1     519.47    202.01  +++++     .0    .0    1.7   1.7  162.6     .0
  2     413.52       .30     51     .2  17.1     .3    .6  176.5     .0
  3     100.00       .00     20     .0    .0     .0    .0     .0     .0
  4      15.00       .00      5     .0    .0     .0    .0     .0     .0
  5     768.00       .00     15    1.0   2.8    1.5   4.2   90.2     .0
  6     256.00      7.01     25    1.0   4.9    5.1   8.9     .5     .0
  7    1000.00       .59    200     .0    .0     .0    .9  978.0     .0

The first thing to note is that the Aux I/O doesn't seem to be charged to
any identifiable job under the WebFacing scenario.  The second thing to note
is the differences in CPU used. I'll be merciful and leave out all the jobs
which used no additional CPU:

Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %
  DEFAULT_SE   BCI     7   25+       .2                  0     .0
  QEJBADMIN    BCI     7   25+       .1                  0     .0
  QEJBMNTR     ASJ     7   25        .0                  0     .0
  WEBFACING    BCI     7   25+     26.0                  0    7.0
  WEBSERVER    BCH     7   25        .4                  0     .1
  QQF4B2CE00   INT     5   20        .6    0     .0     18     .1
  QQFVTSVR     BCI     2   50        .3                  0     .1
  QQFWFSVR     BCI     2   50        .1                  0     .1

TOTALS                             27.7    0     .0     18    7.4
Green screen                        1.3  108     .0    363    1.2

The WF version takes 20 times more total CPU, but uses half the interactive
CPU than the green screen version.  It also takes 5 times longer to page
through 100 pages than the green screen did on a Pentium II 450 with 128
megs RAM.

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