A Big Thanks To all,
The responses I got back were awesome. I truly feel welcomed to
the group.
I have carefully considered all of your recommendations and
thoughts concerning my work ahead.
I am at this moment on track to use PHP with RPG handling the data.
I am not a fan of the websmart IDE I am using... there is no code
completion... not that I am lazy, I just like having it here to remind
me the order of and required parameters in a function.
I have been using BlueFish for about 9 years now. I prefer 2
space rather than true tabs... things like that...
I am trying to get my company to spring for ZendCon. Otherwise I
will use my own dime. I think if I have any hope of getting a QUICK
grasp of my future, ZendCon is a requirement.
So now I have to learn how to use RPG to get the data sets
(results) I need rather than an mysqli query call from PHP.
I am still getting a handle on how WebSmart's PML replaces embedded
variables in HTML and JS segments.
I have already broken code... half of a form is gone... some 25
inputs... but I fill find my mistake and correct it... the code I am
working in is not commented, and I am supposed to completely own it by
the end of October or no later than Jan 1st. Just a little pressure
here... Not only is the code not commented... neither is the Database.
Vague table descriptions and field descriptions. I used Navigator to
scrape the tables into a Spreadsheet. So that I could search for field
names and find the table they are in... everyone at the company where
the code was originally developed were very happy to get a copy.
Thank you again for the great welcome... I look forward to learning
how to maximize the IBM i on Power to rebuild this entire project.
i Power,
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